วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

If You Love Me ...

How many times have you heard this verse of Scripture
quoted to you: “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
John 14:15, and instead of it being an inspiration, it not
only made you cringe, but it also made you feel like you were
condemned of God, and condemned by the person that
so graciously quoted it to you?

Well, fret not! We have all been there, and we will probably
end up there again at some point, if we are not exposed to
the truth.

What I would like to address in this article is our ability,
or lack of ability, to experience the "true" love of God.
This has been a stumbling block for men since the
beginning of the ages. I believe it even started with
Adam in the Garden. Furthermore, let me express to
you that I don't consider myself to have arrived, nor do
I count myself to have a monopoly on the subject of the
"love of God”. My sincere desire is that we all can
grow in the grace and love of our Heavenly Father.

In February, 2006 I was watching, the Christian television
channel. It was the week of the Super Bowl, and they where
interviewing a few of the players who would be playing in
the game that night. Although I can't remember which
player said this or what team he was from, I do remember
that the guy said this was one of his favorite verses.
“If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
Wow! For the first time ever, I heard it right. The Lord
communicated to me , that this verse was not saying , that

if I keep His commandments, then He will love me. For so many
years I had read and heard that verse from a "do-to-be" loved

Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Can you
sense the passionate plea of our Lord as One talking to His
children, knowing that if we would "learn" to take heed of
His principles and disciplines from a position of love,
that then, and only then, can we experience the extraordinary
and abundant way of life and living!

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments:
and His commandments are not grievous.” (weighty, burdensome)
John 5:3 First and foremost, we must understand that it is
"only" the love and grace of God that allow us to keep
His commandments, meaning it's the unconditional love of
God, flowing from God to the believer. ”Cause me to hear
thy loving kindness...” Psa.143:8 The Psalmist expresses
his desire to know the love of God, experientially and
passionately, not just intellectually, and theologically.
Unfortunately, the latter two are the only way most of us
have experienced and will ever experience anything of God.

We must learn how, and continue to know and receive the love
of God, not just from a theological or an intellectual position,
but rather from a position of knowing His passion for the
believer, and learning to share in that passion in a genuine
love relationship with our Lord and Saviour.


It's funny how at the time of our accepting the Lord Jesus
as Saviour we experience, and accept, the unconditional love
of God. Yet, somewhere along the way we have this tendency
to forget that it is His gift to all who will believe.

Well, until you hear from me again, let us all remember
that it is “by grace that we are saved, through faith and
that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God: not of works,
lest any of us should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

© Copyright 2006 by Felton L.Thompkins

Felton L. Thompkins is a native Atlantan, now making his home in Jacksonville,FL. He is a lover of God and of people, his interest include golfing, music, Internet Marketing, and Real Estate Invesment. Felton L. Thompkins, The Newbies Advocate. http://www.Simplyeshop.com

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