วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Controversial Wealth Audit Reveals Over 90 Percent of Us Could End Up Working Forever...Are You One

Results from a new tool developed by UK based
firm, Lean Marketing, confirm a worrying trend.

When it comes to making money,
most of us simply don't have a clue.

The Wealth Audit asks 10 simple questions
to help you ascertain your financial position
and provides instant tips for improving things.

Since launching the tool on 29th July
the response has been tremendous.

Out of a total score of 100 the average
is just 46.9 which suggests people still
need to do quite a lot to be truly free.

The Survey Suggests:

* Almost 90% of Respondents Will Be In Trouble
When It Comes To Retirement If They Don't
Dramatically Change Their Earning, Spending
& Saving Habits.

* 85.6% of Responses By Women Over 40
Indicate That Debt & Lack of Investments
Make Them A Slave To Their Job Or Business

* Women Seem To Be More Interested In Sorting
Out The Problem Than Men However, With 61.5%
Of People Taking The Test Being Female

* Of the People Completing The Survey Almost All
Are In A Position Where Without Earnings
From Their Job They'd Lose Everything They Own

After almost a decade running her own business
Lean Marketing boss, Debbie Jenkins has been searching
for the key to being able to spend her own time as she wishes.

Debbie says, "I'm convinced it boils down to sorting
out your money and so I developed this simple
tool called The Wealth Audit to help people
understand where they are now and where
they're heading with more clarity."

"The test isn't about how much you earn,
but how well you use your money to provide
an income. Freedom comes when you can live
the life you want and pay your way
even if you decided not to work."

The Wealth Audit, while bringing the problem
to light only supports what's already happening.

10 Million people in the UK aren't
saving enough money for their retirement.

In fact 80% of these 10 million aren't
saving anything at all!

There's a pensions crisis looming and the
advice we get from experts is mixed and
often confusing.

So the only constant we can be sure of is that
if we don't take care of our own wealth now
our future isn't going to be too bright.

The Wealth Audit is a Free tool and
nobody gets to see the answers but you.
See how you compare at http://www.wealthaudit.com

"Dangerous" Debbie Jenkins is a marketer, author and
stand-up comedian who helps the owners of small expert
businesses get more success by doing and spending less.

[tags]Debbie Jenkins, Wealth Audit, finance, Free, tool,pensions,[/tags]
