วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Use Real Estate Leads to Grow Your Real Estate Business

As use of the internet has increased, so to, has its value in connecting service providers with home owners. One of the best ways to grow a real estate business is to connect with more clients by using real estat leads.

There are many ways to get real estate leads:

  • Direct Mail

  • TV Advertising

  • Referrals

  • Cold Calling

  • Internet

If you operate a fast pace business and do not enjoy cold calling or stuffing envelopes for new business, I would suggest internet leads. There are many lead providers on the internet but just like any business only a few are worth dealing with.

Internet sales leads have been around since the beginning of the internet. At the beginning of the internet most real estate leads were generated through mass email campaigns. Now most are generated through search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

If you would like to grow your real estate business then get started with an internet lead generation company. Just make sure you pick the right company for your needs. Over the years many professionals have been taken advantage of by unethical real estate lead generation companies, so choose carefully.

Here are some tips when selecting a lead generation company. Make sure the real estate leads are only delivered to one real estate professional, meaning they are only sold once. Many lead providers sell their leads multiple times to professions is the same area which makes it harder for an agent for investors to close the lead.

Make sure the leads are delivered to you within seconds after the lead has been generated. Professionals who follow up with real estate leads within 2 hours after the lead has been generated dramatically increase the chances of closing a deal.

Make sure you are only charged for leads you receive and do not pay any monthly fee or sign up fee. If a company really wants to work with you and become a long term part of your marketing they should not charge any set up fees or monthly fees.

If you can not get in contact with the home seller or home buyer because of in correct lead data the company should credit you the cost of the lead. All too often realtors and investors sign up with a lead generation company and they start receiving leads that are not quality leads. They either can not get in contact with the person or the person does not want to talk with them. Make sure you can get a refund for faulty lead information.

For top quality motivated Real Estate Leads check out the honest company that is connecting more motivated home buyers and sellers with real estate professionals nation wide than any other company on earth.

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Lead Generation - An Agent's Guide to Success

Lead generation is one of the hottest topics in the real estate industry, and with good reason. Leads are the first step in the business relationship. So without them, you have no business.

But real estate lead generation is also one of the most confusing topics for new real estate agents (and even some of the veterans). In fact, ever since I've been involved with real estate marketing, one of the most frequent questions I get is: "How do I generate real estate leads?"

Rethinking Lead Generation

My goal with this article is to change the way you think about lead generation. Back in the "old days," purchasing real estate leads was a popular strategy. And while a lot of agents still use this approach to real estate lead generation, it is by far NOT the most effective way to go about it.

Think about it for a moment. When you purchase real estate leads, you are basically buying the names and phone numbers of people who (A) don't know you, (B) haven't asked to be contacted by you, and (C) could very well have an agent by the time you contact them.

In other words, you will be cold-calling strangers, in an age when cold calls are dying out. This is not the best way to approach real estate lead generation. When I listed a home on the MLS a few years back, I was annoyed at the number of real estate folks who contacted me each day. "Do you have an agent? Need help selling your home? Can I come over and give you a CMA?" It struck me as both desperate and annoying. There is a better approach to real estate lead generation!

Make People Want to Contact You

One of the best things you can do to generate real estate leads is to make people actually want to contact you. Think about the difference in mindset here. In the previous scenario of cold calling, you are contacting strangers who don't know anything about you. And because we live in an age of skepticism, they will have a level of distrust right from the start.

But instead of contacting strangers to introduce yourself, what if they contacted you and introduced themselves? For one thing, they would be much more inclined to listen to what you have to say. They would be more trusting and receptive as well. In other words, you would have a much easier time building a business relationship with them. Now that's the way to go about real estate lead generation!

How to Generate a Response

Sure, having people call or email you is the ideal scenario for lead generation. But how do you go about it? How do you motivate people to initiate that critical first contact? Well, there are several things you need to do. Here's a summary:

1. Be Visible

Obviously, people cannot contact you if they don't know you exist. This is where your business visibility comes into play. Online visibility is a big part of this, which is why search engine optimization is such a hot topic among real estate agents. The more visible you are online, the more likely people will be to find you.

You can also increase your business visibility by publishing articles in your local newspaper, publishing articles and press releases online, being active in your community, conducting free seminars, and other aspects of PR. Visibility and awareness are the first steps to generating real estate leads.

2. Be Valuable

The agents who are most successful with real estate lead generation are those who understand the concept of "perceived value." When a person perceives something as being valuable, they naturally want that thing. In real estate terms, this perceived value comes from many elements:

A real estate agent with unique knowledge of a certain niche ... or one who offers access to the best listings ... or one who has a proven (and illustrated) track record of client success ... or one who streamlines the process by networking with mortgage folks ...

These are all ways a real estate agent can increase his or her perceived value, which is the value your audience perceives you to have.

You can also create an item with a high perceived value, and you can in turn use this perception of value to generate leads. Let's examine the concept of "free reports" as an example. Many agents use this approach to real estate lead generation, but they botch the strategy because the report in question does not have a high enough perceived value -- not by a long shot.

A report entitled "Top Ten Home-Buying Tips" does not have a strong perceived value and therefore will not generate many leads. Why? Because (A) it is generic, (B) it does not identify closely enough with the target audience, and (C) it's information that you can find anywhere. It is not exclusive "must read" information. It will not motivate the average reader.

So how do you increase the value of such a report? Easy. You make it a "must read" document. Instead of basic home buying tips, why not boost the value and put people under pressure to read the piece? Why not promote something like this: "Which Happytown Schools Are the Best? Exclusive Report Tells All."

This kind of document would have a much better chance of motivating people and generating leads. It would be easy to tie into real estate, too, so most of your leads would be qualified ones. But this is just something I came up with off the top of my head. You could create an even better "hot button" report with a little imagination and knowledge about your community.

To take this approach even further, you can add a visual element. Have a graphic designer create an eye-catching cover for your report, along with some thumbnail-sized versions to put on your website.

3. Be Trustworthy

People don't trust strangers. We talked about that already. So if you cold call people as a stranger, you already face an uphill climb in terms of real estate lead generation. The key, then, is to inspire trust among your target audience. This will help you overcome the natural skepticism people have and make them more likely to contact you.

How do you generate trust? Testimonials help, especially when you use the former client's full name, photo, and neighborhood. A long track record helps too, as do professional certifications and sales awards (just be sure to tie these back to the success and satisfaction of your former clients).

You can also generate trust by sharing your expertise with people. A real estate blog is a great example of this. If you publish a real estate blog over a long period of time, and people find that blog online (through search engines or otherwise), they will feel as if they already know you a little. If you publish quality content, people will realize that (A) you know your market, (B) you are active in that market, and (C) you obviously like to help people. Suddenly, you're not such a stranger ... you're a perfect candidate to be their real estate agent.

Lead Generation Success

Being visible, valuable and trustworthy will make your real estate lead generation efforts pay off in the long run. Is all this effort worthwhile? Well, let me ask you this. What would it be worth if you never had to call or email a stranger again? That's a goal worth striving for, isn't it? That's the kind of thing that can happen when you change the way you think about lead generation.

* You may republish this article online if you retain the author's byline and the active hyperlinks below. Copyright 2007, Brandon Cornett.

Learn More
Brandon Cornett is a real estate marketing specialist and owner of ArmingYourFarming.com. For more tips on real estate lead generation, visit the author's website at http://www.armingyourfarming.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Marketing Slogans; A Brand Of One

Real Estate Marketing slogans arouses interest in your
audience and can be the vehicle that helps establish
your "name brand" and invigorate your real estate

A good, well crafted slogan can propel your business
in quantum leaps, while a poorly considered one can
be as effective as none at all. Real estate
marketing slogans can work equally well online and
offline, but they must be good enough to appeal to
mass, targeted audiences.

Consequently, agents work hard and long for the right
words to coin the right phrases, for the perfect
slogans. After all, their slogans may be powerful or
aspiring enough to define their careers.

Realtor Alert! Real estate marketing slogans don't
have to be over intellectualized to create huge "brand
names." Catchy and clever works every time.

For example, Century 21, ERA, & Coldwell Banker are
national and/or regional real estate companies whose
corporate names serve as their "real estate marketing
slogans". Examples of some gigantic, non-real estate
companies are Xerox, IBM, Pepsi and Coke.

Successful Realtors know the importance of using real
estate marketing slogans to create "name brands", but
when conjuring up a slogan for yourself why not
something as simple as your name.

If Mike, Bill and Hillary can pull it off you can,
too. Of Course you know who I mean, which epitomizes
the power of a name.

Creating A Slogan!

Now, I can go to the yellow pages, write down a bunch
of real estate marketing slogans and throw a bunch of
them at you to jump start your creative juices, but
you can do that yourself.

A more constructive approach in creating your own
slogan is to make a list of 10 slogans that reflect
who you are, what niche real estate market you want to
be known for, and your interests and personality in

Use the yellow Real Estate Agents section of your
local yellow pages to get ideas, then strive for
phrases that uniquely characterize you.

Imagine being the Madonna, or "leave the driving to
us" of the real estate industry.

Is it possible? Absolutely, but you'll have to create
a slogan first! Then you'll need to use and publicize
it every opportunity you get; in your ads, on your
business cards, letter head, website, vanity car tag,

Don't expect instant success right out of the gate.
It'll take a while, but you'll be amazed at how much
you can accomplish in a year or so. And if you have a
real estate marketing system that reaches a minimum of
10 prospects a day the numbers can quickly add up in
your favor.

10 contacts a day x 20 days a month = 200 contacts a

200 contacts a month x 12 months a year = 2,400
contacts a year

Without too much effort you can passively market your
slogan to a minimum of 2,400 prospects a year.

I wonder what impact having your marketing slogan on
your car would have?

No matter where you live, or what market you're in
you're missing out on massive amounts of free
marketing if you don't have a car tag of some kind
advertising the fact that you're a Realtor.

And what about advertising your slogan through the
penny, nickel and dime publications? Think cheap
advertising, high visibility, and lots of readers of
your slogan to drive business opportunities your way.

So, create your own unique, real estate marketing
slogan; then publicize it heavily; freely and/or
inexpensively, but heavily.

Can you see the impact that this might have on your
real estate marketing results? I can!

Lanard Perry is the author of "Farming Expired Listings." Learn how to average 1 or more listings a week. Visit http://www.farmingexpiredlistings.com and http://www.real-estate-marketing-talk.com for more business building ideas.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate - Investing a Luxurious Property

Miami Beach is a well known place because of its pristine beach and the powder-white sand and the exciting nightlife. One of the tourist attractions in the city is the oceanfront. But you have to know that there are other things and activities that you can enjoy in the city such as world class restaurants, museums and galleries which include the Bass Museum of Art and the Jewish Museum of Florida.

Homeowners have a lot of reason for moving to Miami Beach real estate and this includes the relaxing under the sunny skies, merry making in the wonderful beachfront and enjoying the exciting nightlife and the various cultures that is within the city. And because of these things there are lots of people who want to enjoy staying in the city. And if you want to enjoy truly world-class lifestyle, then you have to pick your own home in Miami Beach real estate. And you do not have to worry because there are lots to choose from. If you are a potential buyer then you can choose from the different options that the Miami Beach real estate can offer you.

On of the benefits that you can take advantage of owning a property in a real estate is being close to the beach. Having a dwelling that is near to the beach lets you to swim in the wide beach front. You can enjoy doing some water activities like swimming, jet ski and parasail.

The place is also good for those people who are passionate walkers and joggers because of the boardwalk along the beach. Another benefit of owning a property in Miami Beach real estate is being close to the production and entertainment communities that add to the appeal of having a property in the city.

Now Miami Beach is connected to Miami by boardwalk that coffer easy admission to tourist and investors to its glamorous hotels real estate and residential developments and recreational amenities. It is a place where tourist keep on going back to the city and because of this tourism has become the bread and butter of the city.

As a matter of fact the main intention of the place is to make the economic to bloom and have diverse culture through the help of the tourism in the city. Aside from that, tourism contributed a lot when it comes to the status of the Miami Beach real estate. It has been known as a major leisure and business destination. With all of these things to enjoy in the city of Miami Beach, no wonder why there are lots of people who keep on coming back to the city.

Miami Beach Real Estate

Allison Manalang Ayson writes for Jump2top.com - SEO Company

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Listings - The Backbone of Real Estate Websites

A good Real Estate website is incomplete without proper Real Estate Listings. The website would do very little to educate and inform the visitor. Listings for Real Estate not only attract visitors but also enable the website to grab their attention. Listings are rather the "real" thing a visitor wants to see in a site.

Always keep in mind that these listings should be up to date. We know Real Estate agents love seeing "Sold" on every property, but people who would be visiting your website would end up losing heart. Updating your website regularly is a must to keep your visitors coming back. Make sure your listings are in proper price order. It is essential that you have devised ways for them to search through the properties and kept it simple to use.

Interested property buyers tend to check back to your website every week, in the hope of finding fresh properties. You have to ensure that New Real Estate Listings are put up on a regular basis, to aid your customers in making a better decision. To prevent losing business, make sure that someone is made responsible for uploading New Real Estate Listings on your website and keeping the old ones up-to-date.

Depending on the program used to manage the listings section, it might require some extra training to make sure that these updates are made as quickly and efficiently as possible. An investment in professional practices is a wise decision and will prove to be fruitful. Most Real Estate Marketing websites believe in making making worthwhile websites for their customers. The websites that are built also have automatic property alerts that send out new listings via email every day to prospective customers.

While putting down Listings for Real Estate, it's always a good idea to mark them separately for Commercial Real Estate Listings and the Residential ones. This can help new agents get off to a good start and can work as a new beginning for veteran agents who have been around for a while. Remember, the higher the number of your listings, the better your chances of selling.

By keeping these points in mind, you should be able to communicate about your real estate site better. You also need to ensure that you are able to project a professional image online, increasing your marketing reach and your bottom line.

Every listing, Commercial or Residential, deserves a showcase of its own. This is why today, website-building is made as easy as winking. There are three basic steps you need to follow- add your listing, choose your domain and generate your site! Every real estate agent wants the best, and Real Estate Listing services have been successfully serving real estate clients with excellent results. All Real Estate Websites should look at providing comprehensive Real Estate Listings to all their clients.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Investing With a Real Estate Club

Las Vegas is a great place to live whether you are running a business, looking for a new home or would like to diversify and increase your investment portfolio and personal financial holdings. The Las Vegas Real Estate Market is an excellent opportunity to quite literally make all of your goals come true. Las Vegas Real Estate Clubs are created specifically to help you to capitalize on the many different aspects of Investing in Real Estate whether for personal, commercial or investment properties.

During these difficult economic times, people are often looking for new and improved ways to increase their investments. According to one recent story in the Las Vegas Review Journal "Home sales are showing steady growth in Southern Nevada as savvy buyers snap up some of the best deals in 15 years, many of them foreclosures that resulted from the subprime mortgage crisis and ensuing economic recession."

The key to successful Real Estate Investing is in knowing whom to talk to, when to talk to them and what to look for. These clubs provides the means and opportunities for people just like you to get together with investors, brokers and anybody else who may be interested in Las Vegas real estate investments for personal or professional gains.

Many people have recently seen massive losses in their investment portfolios. The stock market is consistently inconsistent these days and people who have been relying on 401ks' or other retirement investment accounts have suffered some severe financial losses. If you have not been getting great returns on your financial investments, perhaps it is time to look into a different market in order to not only begin showing some positive financial returns but to offer you long term gains on top of immediate returns on investments.

Real Estate has long been a viable investment opportunity. Whether you are purchasing your primary residence or looking for commercial or other investment properties, you can earn substantial financial gains but you need to know what to look for, when to look and even where to look fin order to maximize your earnings potential.

One of the most prevalent reasons for becoming a member of a these clubs is being able to talk to other investors, speak directly with brokers, real estate agents and experts in their respective fields, attending Real Estate Investment Workshops, and always having a bird's eye view of the current housing market.

Any situation is going to be made increasingly easy and profitable when you have an entire field of experts within the industry getting together and sharing ideas and information. The same holds true with Real Estate but that does not mean that your benefits will end there. Many profitable businesses and partnerships have been formed with much less in the past.

Being a member will help you to meet like-minded people that may actually be willing to help you increase your holdings and your financial portfolios in ways you never dreamt possible before. What happens when you put groups of investors together and throw in a burgeoning commercial real estate market? The possibilities really are limitless.

This article was wrote by Debbie who works for The Las Vegas Real Estate Club. For more information on this article or our Real Estate Investment Club, please visit our websites.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Internet Marketing, Where to Begin?

The famous department store pioneer John Wanamaker once wondered where half of his
advertising dollars were being wasted. This is easy to understand because there
are many options available for real estate internet marketing such as search engine
marketing, email marketing, buying leads, newsletters, PPC advertising etc...

Real estate internet marketing can be as simple as having a web presence that will
bring you more clients and sales. It can also be a complicated marketing strategy
that is professionally managed.

The first thing you need to understand about real estate internet marketing is that
the biggest enemy that you will face is attrition. To be successful in real estate
marketing, you must be able to understand what attrition is and how best to cope with
it. It basically means that there will be a number of people that will not take action
that you want them to take.

Often, real estate marketing involves a mentality of building websites and hoping for
traffic coming to it. However, this won’t work since you must first learn how to drive
targeted traffic to your real estate website. This is the fundamental step required when
beginning real estate internet marketing.

If you wish to succeed with real estate internet marketing make sure that the code on
your website is clean and crisp. Use keywords that target the right audience and optimize
your website content accordingly. If you have a blog, use a long-tail SEO strategy when
thinking about topics for your blog.

You should have a plan of action that is like a road map to success. It needs consistency
rather than peaks and valleys.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Teams - Fulfilling the Broker's Role

Over the past twenty-five to thirty years the real estate brokerage business has changed dramatically. The office or brokerage of 12 to 25 agents was where new and experienced agents were trained in the every day operation of the business. Quotas were normal for offices and to move in to a top office you must be a proven top producer. Today the owner/manager is more inclined to have a warehouse of agents filling desk space (80 to 120 agents) with a few 3 to 5 agents who are top producers 15 dollar million plus.

Real Estate Teams are Taking Over.

1. Team approach uses specialists with strong marketing directed to attract ready to act buyers and sellers. It is a new age in real estate where a marketing professional is the most effective agent.

2. Specialists: Buyer Agents, Listing agents, inside sales agents, marketing specialists, closing specialists, and customer service agents all working together. No warehousing the teams hire and keep the best with very low turn over. Today in the normal Real Estate Brokers office 80% of agents don't last the first year, what other business (not including part time fast food teenagers) has that turn over.

3. The Team leader gathers and develops training to keep all agents and associates on track with the same message coming from everyone on the team. Real everyday business growing leadership and quotes went out the door long ago. Each major real estate company has its' own training department using the same techniques as used in the 1970's.

4. Advertising Team approach - use all mediums newspapers, classifieds, direct mail, flyers, editorial ads, radio, TV, email, pod casts, DVD's, signs, sign riders, 800#, websites branded and unbranded, USP's in all advertising and performance guarantees. The major brokers use signs on listings, webpage, and weekly color full page newspaper ads (second level brokers ½ page or ½ page black and white ads, and some will advertise the logo or brand name on TV.

5. Follow up Team approach - enter all clients into a data base use follow systems for each type client. Develop and keep new clients warm mail, email and phone. Existing clients send newsletters, mail, email, and phone. Under contract customers weekly phone updates from customer service. The Real Estate Brokerage may send out client follow up questionnaires if anything.

6. Affiliate Team approach - Attorney, Title Company, Insurance, Home Inspectors, Landscapers, Plumbers, Electricians, Engineers, Carpenters, Builders, and contractors. The Team has on board a strong group of qualified and licensed independent affiliates. The real estate brokerage says use my mortgage company, title company, insurance company, advertising agency and relocation company because I own them and can make another income off each deal.

7. Team approach - Agents across the US and Canada are and have worked with the team approach with great success. Look at your local market check the advertising or your local MLS to see who is using teams you'll find most of the top producers are using a team to some extent. This is done within the broker's office because the traditional real estate brokerage has failed.

Bill Carey a Broker/Investor/Builder. His over 30 years experience in Real Estate Sales, Investments and Construction offers a unique perspective to the processes of Investment Grade Real Estate. Bill and his family own resort rentals and hold a number of Off-Campus student rental properties in southern states. This started when our oldest daughter went away to school at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. The Carey family continues to buy and successfully rents student rental properties

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Contact Bill by email at Info@CollegeTowneProperties.com or visit our website http://www.CollegeTowneProperties.com

(Your Comments are Welcome)

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Wholesaling

Real estate wholesaling will allow you to become a real estate middleman. Wholesaling is a great way to make cash quickly and easily. In fact, virtual wholesaling allows you to use the power of the internet to generate quick cash in as little as seven days. It is the process of buying and selling real estate very quickly. As a wholesaler, you're not trying to buy property to fix and resell. Instead you're trying to buy property that can be sold "as is" for a quick profit.

Wholesaling can be an extremely profitable business; however, you best have your strategies down before investing. It is like putting the horse before the cart if you do not have all your cards lined up before dropping any money on a home regardless if it is a bargain or not. R.E. Wholesaling is the process of buying and selling real estate very quickly. As a wholesaler, you're not trying to buy property to fix and resell instead you're trying to buy property that can be sold "as is" for a quick profit. R/ E wholesaling will allow you to make an extra $5,000-$20,000 in as little as 30 days.

Real estate wholesaling will allow you to become a real estate middleman. R-E wholesaling is a great way to make cash quickly and easily. In fact, virtual wholesaling, allows you to use the power of the internet to generate quick cash in as little as seven days. R - estate wholesaling is the process of buying and selling real estate very quickly. As a wholesaler, you're not trying to buy property to fix and resell instead you're trying to buy property that can be sold "as is" for a quick profit.

R/ E wholesaling can be an extremely profitable business; however, you best have your strategies down before investing. It is like putting the horse before the cart if you do not have all your cards lined up before dropping any money on a home regardless if it is a bargain or not. It is the process of buying and selling real estate very quickly. As a wholesaler, you're not trying to buy property to fix and resell instead you're trying to buy property that can be sold "as is" for a quick profit. Wholesaling will allow you to make an extra $5,000-$20,000 in as little as 30 days.

R/E wholesaling is the process of putting motivated sellers in touch with buyers for profit. Unlike a realtor who gets paid for bringing buyers and sellers together, it also involves controlling the property with a contract and then selling that contract to another investor for profit. Real estate wholesaling is not illegal and it is not a scam. Know that now and relax! Wholesaling will allow you to make an extra $5,000-$20,000 in as little as 30 days.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Real Estate Probate - 5 Tips to Remember to Avoid Real Estate Probate

Probate is something you do not want your family to go through. At the time of death, a loved one's estate can be thrown into the hands of the court if the will is not present and validly signed and notarized. A will is the key to the final wishes of a person and real estate is one of the major holdings affected by the person's death. This is especially important for people who have living relatives and spouses who will be directly affected by the probate of a piece of real estate. In order to avoid the probate of real estate, five simple steps can be followed.

• If there is no will, get one. As our population ages, wills are often drawn up and filed in order to prevent the states from taking over any and all assets upon death. A will offers guidance for the courts and law officials as to the proper path of dividing the remaining estate belongings after death. If there is no will in place, the state can decide to hold the financial and physical belongings of the deceased for months or years before settling on a plan of action.

• Review beneficiaries. The beneficiaries on all real estate related documents and financial documents should be reviewed on a regular basis. Every year at the earliest, with a more common schedule of review falling every five years. This is especially important for younger families who may have children born into the families as the years pass. Divorces and remarriages are also proper times to review beneficiaries for any changes that may need to take place.

• Keep your documents safe. It is very important to keep all documents in a safe and secure place. When real estate enters probate, there will be a need for quick recall of all related financial documents. If these documents are kept within a safety deposit box in the names of both parties involved in the relationship or the real estate, the documents will be available for immediate withdrawal upon death.

• Will the real estate to trust. In order to avoid the probate proceedings and possible costly court dollars, leave the real estate you own to a spouse or a loved one in trust. This helps to alleviate any legal proceedings and stops the chance of the loved one from having to pay a huge inheritance tax on the real estate.

• Know the laws. Each and every state has differing laws regarding real estate probate. If you own property within the state you reside there will be different laws for that real estate than the real estate you may own outside of the state. Knowing these laws and following all laws and regulations regarding the avoidance of probate will help your loved ones pass the time after your death outside of a court room or attorney's office.

Real estate probate is something that no one wants to be a part of. These legal proceedings can take weeks, months or even years depending upon the overall value of the real estate and the affected parties involved. The probate of real estate can be costly and time consuming, so learning the laws and following these tips is essential to avoiding the troublesome task of real estate probate.

To obtain Free Special Reports and Bonuses and get access to the Top 15 Real Estate Experts who will teach you how to PROFIT in the BUST in Real Estate prices, go to http://www.1wealthcreation.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Insurance Will Always Stay As Insurance

With regards to one of the current hottest topic in the financial industry is "Insurance" vs "Investment". If you were to ask me, in my opinion and being in this industry, I would say that Insurance is never an Investment. It is totally two different things.

So, I cannot believe how my peers in this industry actually go out there, acting as an Investment Professional, hard-selling products as Investment Product towards clients. In my very own opinion, I would say that this practise can be regarded as mis-selling.

Why? Why is a question you would ask me? We are professionals to design and cater for the assurance needs of the client and not investment needs. Although we have an option for clients which are called "Invesment-Linked Policies", our priority is to cater for the client's assurance or protection needs, investment needs is secondary.

So, what is my flow when I meet my clients?

Simple, my very first question to them will be, "What is your motive in owning insurance? Protection or Capital Accumulation?". From here, I will then do the proper fact finding to design and cater a solution for the client's specific needs. Whatever policies that the client is about to own will be based on their needs.

I am sad to say that most of the agents out there do not practise this but instead, hard-selling and product pushing is practised. Sad? It is far worst than sad if you can see how it turned out to be for the client. I have a number of transferred cases to me with the request coming from the clients and oh boy, how shocked am I to see the type of policies that are owned by them. Not only I am shocked, they are too when I presented it and did a policy review with them.

I have one transferred case client that wishes to be covered on Accidental Dismemberment but instead she was told by her previous agent to own an Investment-Linked Policy with Accidental Dismemberment rider attached which requires her to input a premium of SG$150/month while the Stand-Alone Accidental Dismemberment policy only requires SG$17/month. Oh boy was she shocked when I presented it to her because the agent did not even bother to show her the difference between the two policies and she solely thought that the policy she owns is only for Accidental Dismemberment. Angry? Yes she is, to the point that she requested to surrender the policy with losses even after I explained and advised her not to. She still insisted on surrendering it and moved on with owning the Stand-Alone Accidental Dismemberment policy that she originally wishes to own with my assistance.

Sometimes, people choose to be blinded by agents that are specially gifted to have the ability to have a smooth and sweet talking style whose only priority is their own sales quota and company incentives instead of choosing the ones who can come out with facts and figures for logic. Now, who is to blame?

Now, getting back to the point of Insurance will always stay as Insurance. Anything that comes out from an Insurance/Assurance Company will always be Insurance. This applies to all types of policies including Investment-Linked Policies.

What's the difference? The only difference in Investment-Linked Policies is that, instead of the company investing the premiums from you for the non-guaranteed returns on top of the sum assured, you now have the power of allocating the premiums in any of the available funds and have full control of the non-guaranteed returns.

Now, when the term "Non-Guaranteed" is mentioned, everyone gets afraid? Why? First understand why the term is used in the first place. It is because, the interest for the returns are always fluctuating. Hence, the term "Non-Guaranteed" is used. Even your savings account gives you a "Non-Guaranteed" interest rate. So why should you be afraid of the term?

A quote from Warren Buffett, "The only risk in life, is when you do not know what you are doing."

A strong quote but a lot of people do not adhere to it. They own something without knowing what it is all about. They purchase an investment product and not knowing the architecture of it. They listen to their "trusted" agent / broker and not knowing what it is all about. When the bubble has burst, who is to blame?

So people, listen! Be it if you happen to receive a cold-call, someone comes knocking on your door or even you meet someone at a road-show. Listen, find-out, be informed and do not own insurance blindly. Ask every single detail on what it is all about before signing on the doted lines.

To end this off, again I will say that Insurance will always stay as Insurance because for the matter of fact that I can assure you, Insurance will never make you rich but it does guarantee that you will not be poor when you are old or critically ill.

I do not sell insurance and will never sell. My job is to assist my clients to own it, if there is a need.

Yours Sincerely,
Ash Ariffin
Email: pru.101@insurer.com
Web: http://pru101.blogspot.com

Ash Ariffin - http://pru101.blogspot.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Trading Tips

The one thing that is essential in Forex trading is timely information regarding the state of the market. This information enables the trader to make buying and selling properly to earn profits. It is very difficult for a person to constantly monitor the market to make such decisions. This is where an automated or computer aided service comes into the picture. One of such services is the Forex Ambush 2.0 service. It is not just another service mind you, it is the only service that gives a 100% winning trades when set on automatic.

What makes it different from any other software is that it doesn't use statistics or trends in calculating the profitable trades but actually uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms enabling a 100% accuracy. Artificial Intelligence algorithm is the one that makes a computer think like the human brain enabling it to take logical decisions in real time. The Forex Ambush 2.0 service employs a state of the art Artificial Intelligence system that is equivalent to a 1000 trade analysts sitting together. Using the service is having a thousand analysts working for you at a cost that is even less than what you would pay for one trade analyst.

With so many e-books and other reference material available in the market why buy this software? The reason is simple. An e-book is just a collection of statements said by some analysts pt together and compiled and presented. It contains only information, most of which becomes irrelevant in matter of months. On the other hand the Forex Ambush 2.0 is a service that does work for you in the real time, keeps learning new trends and keeps gathering the current information. The amount of money you spend in buying an e-book and the time you spend learning it, Forex Ambush 2.0 can earn that much money for you in only a fraction of that time.

To start with Forex Ambush 2.0 all you need is a sum of money between $250 and $500 and a Forex trading account. At such a small amount you can start receiving signals from Forex Ambush 2.0 telling you what to do. Thereafter, you use the profit made from that signal to receive more such signals and keep making money. The signals tell you everything and all you need to do is follow them blindly. You don't need any knowledge of trading to be using this software, it knows what to do and how to do it well!

Sean Davy is an expert in forex trading and investment market. He built a site so every user can review the best investment coaching programs. Learn more about invesment and forextrading reviews at: RoyalInvestmentReviews.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

E-currency Exchange: Can Darwing be Applied to It?

How would you feel if you doubled your invesment within your first month? Do you know this is possible with E-currency Exchange ?

To some people it may sound like it's not something they can do. I actually hadn't given it much though, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised when I realized I had actually doubled my investment in less than 30 days. The only reason why you wouldn't be able to get this results for yourself would be because you don't get the proper education for yourself.

Most people don't realize that when a pro teaches you directly in his area of expertise, you start to learn much faster and gain understanding of things that could take you years to learn for yourself. The same can be applied when you want to get into E-currency Trading. What takes months to figure out you can learn in hours when you decide to learn directly from a pro.

This is one crucial principle most people must start applying it into their lives to become succesful: Learning from others means becoming succesful in half the time.

What happens when you learn E-currency Exchange directly from a pro?

If you think about it the impact this could have could be life changing, imagine knowing exactly how the system works and being able to double your money as a result.

The most important aspect that changes is that you now learn strategies that generate more money. Once you learn and follow this strategies your bank account statements start showing it and you'll realize it's something you can do. You'll know what it feels like to be a succesful investor, Your life becomes more comfortable and You'll be able to brag to your wife about how good of an investor you are.

While you're getting into E-currency Investing, you might find yourself asking "How does it work?" Well, here is the answer.

This is the concept behind Electronic Currency Exchanging : Every day, a lot of money is being made through transactions of money on the internet. This is what we call "internet money", which requires to have a physical backup of every cent traded. Since this happens daily, the same day you decide to provide the financial backup for the "internet cash", that same day you'll start to make money with it.

The easiest path to learn from a pro: Take a training program that will transfer all the knowledge the professional has directly into your mind. You'll start to think, act and trade e-currencies like a pro.

What are the best ways to learn about e-currency exchange, visit my site (http://www.electronic-currency-exchange.com) for the inside scoop on you can learn more about the E-Currency Exchange Program

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tax Planning Opportunities and Installment Sales

Internal Revenue Service form 6252 records installment sales. An installment sale allows for a taxpayer to recognize income over a period of time as income is actually collected. Typically, this income will be long-term capital gain (property held for more than a year) and will yield the most favorable of tax rates, 5% or 15%. In addition to postponing the collection of income, the installment note will also have interest associated with the transaction giving the seller an additional financial benefit. Is the installment sale method always the best way to go? Of course not my friends. The one thing that we who practice tax have come to learn is never say always, and never say never.

If I were to sell a capital asset (normally a piece of real estate or a business interest), I might consider the installment method of accounting for income tax purposes under the following two scenarios. Number one, if I am selling a business interest, I might have no choice but to hold paper (take back of a note) as the buyer may not be able to get adequate financing (beware of selling business interests and consult some one who knows). In the other instance, I might be fine finacially and have access to other larger blocks of funds and can afford to receive installments over time. By entering into an installment agreement, I will want to make sure that my note is properly secured in case the buyer defaults and I will want to review the possible income tax attributes.

Suppose that our favorite taxpayer has a carryover of capital losses consisting of both long-term and short-term capital losses. In addition, this taxpayer has investment interest expenses that has been carried over for years because he has not had enough investment income to make use of the deduction. Our taxpayer friend wishes to sell a piece of land that will carry a significant long-term capital gain upon its sale. Upon studying the installment sale method, he decides to hold the note on the transaction and will charge the buyer 9% annual interest. If the note is for ten years, the taxpayer will report long-term capital gain income on the principal he receives from the note payments. The earlier years will be more in the form of interest income with smaller amounts going towards principal. This interest will provide investment interest income that will be offset by any carry-over of invetsment interest expense. This interest income provides an additional return on this transaction and will be further enhanced by offsetting it against invesment interest expense carryover. On the capital gains side, the long-term capital gain will be netted against the capital loss carry-forwards, first against the long-term losses and then against the short-term losses. The idea with capital gain and loss netting is to have any remaining gain leftover be long-term capital gain because of the more favorable tax consequences. If during the installment period, the taxpayer recognizes any short-term gains (subject to the taxpayer's top marginal income tax rate as high as 35%), there will be more opportunity to shelter the short-term gains first. If our taxpayer hadn't elected to use the installment method, he would have used his capital losses to offset income that would have been taxed at 5% and 15% rates as opposed to the higher marginal income tax rates. The installment method allows for the prolonging of capital losses to be carried over and thus, offsetting gains that would be taxed at much higher rates.

As always, carefully consider your strategy and know your tax returns as it may contain carryovers that you can use to your advantage.

Ron Piner, CPA Host of "Better Business" Saturday Mornings at 10ET ON WBIS AM 1190




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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Men's Leather Jackets: How To Choose The One For You

A leather jacket is a must for every man’s wardrobe and is also a great way to express his personal style. Leather jackets never go out of fashion and are warm, durable, timeless and always looks classic. Invesment in leather jackets is one time and can be used over the years without getting spoit. Always purchase a leather jacket that is of the right fit and quality as it is a one-time investment.

Here are the few basic things you should consider while purchasing a leather jacket.

1 Be prepared to spend at least $250.A good leather jacket costs around $500 or more. If you purchase it on sale it might cost you less. The price is not unreasonable considering the fact that how often you’ll wear it and for how long the jacket will last.

2 Buy one of the classic styles, which includes bomber, blazer and is also a zip-up jacket. A medium length jacket, which is above your thigh. Waist or hip-length jackets are versatile. A trench coat can be sleek and slimming on the right figure.

3 There is a wide range of colors to choose from but black is the most popular one, also you could consider shades of brown. The textures vary from buttery soft, thin leather to thicker, more durable jackets. Suede, which requires more care, is another option to choose from.

4 While purchasing the leather jacket make sure the jacket’s construction is right. Seams should be strong and perfect and the bottom hem should be straight. The collar and pockets should lie flat. Check the lining for strong seams, especially in the pockets where you can get a lot of wear and tear. Motorcycle jackets should have vents, a padded kidney panel, and tough leather. All crucial for safe and comfortable riding.

Tips on how to keep the leather jacket

- Store your leather jacket either flat or on a wide, sturdy, padded hanger to prevent stretch marks. Make sure to never use a plastic cover.

- Take care of the stains pronto. When in doubt take the jacket to the dry cleaner.

Leather is not meant to get wet, as that tends to deplete the natural oils, and it is advisable to wear a rain suit over your leathers in inclement weather. However if they do get wet, allow them to dry naturally away from extreme heat. If the leather seems to be losing its luster, it can be oiled to improve its appearance. This supplements the natural oils in the leather itself, which can be washed out through repeated exposure to water. Frequent oiling of leather with mink oil or other commercially available products will keep your leathers supple and improve their lifespan dramatically.

Men's Leather Jackets

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

If You Love Me ...

How many times have you heard this verse of Scripture
quoted to you: “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
John 14:15, and instead of it being an inspiration, it not
only made you cringe, but it also made you feel like you were
condemned of God, and condemned by the person that
so graciously quoted it to you?

Well, fret not! We have all been there, and we will probably
end up there again at some point, if we are not exposed to
the truth.

What I would like to address in this article is our ability,
or lack of ability, to experience the "true" love of God.
This has been a stumbling block for men since the
beginning of the ages. I believe it even started with
Adam in the Garden. Furthermore, let me express to
you that I don't consider myself to have arrived, nor do
I count myself to have a monopoly on the subject of the
"love of God”. My sincere desire is that we all can
grow in the grace and love of our Heavenly Father.

In February, 2006 I was watching, the Christian television
channel. It was the week of the Super Bowl, and they where
interviewing a few of the players who would be playing in
the game that night. Although I can't remember which
player said this or what team he was from, I do remember
that the guy said this was one of his favorite verses.
“If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
Wow! For the first time ever, I heard it right. The Lord
communicated to me , that this verse was not saying , that

if I keep His commandments, then He will love me. For so many
years I had read and heard that verse from a "do-to-be" loved

Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Can you
sense the passionate plea of our Lord as One talking to His
children, knowing that if we would "learn" to take heed of
His principles and disciplines from a position of love,
that then, and only then, can we experience the extraordinary
and abundant way of life and living!

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments:
and His commandments are not grievous.” (weighty, burdensome)
John 5:3 First and foremost, we must understand that it is
"only" the love and grace of God that allow us to keep
His commandments, meaning it's the unconditional love of
God, flowing from God to the believer. ”Cause me to hear
thy loving kindness...” Psa.143:8 The Psalmist expresses
his desire to know the love of God, experientially and
passionately, not just intellectually, and theologically.
Unfortunately, the latter two are the only way most of us
have experienced and will ever experience anything of God.

We must learn how, and continue to know and receive the love
of God, not just from a theological or an intellectual position,
but rather from a position of knowing His passion for the
believer, and learning to share in that passion in a genuine
love relationship with our Lord and Saviour.


It's funny how at the time of our accepting the Lord Jesus
as Saviour we experience, and accept, the unconditional love
of God. Yet, somewhere along the way we have this tendency
to forget that it is His gift to all who will believe.

Well, until you hear from me again, let us all remember
that it is “by grace that we are saved, through faith and
that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God: not of works,
lest any of us should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

© Copyright 2006 by Felton L.Thompkins

Felton L. Thompkins is a native Atlantan, now making his home in Jacksonville,FL. He is a lover of God and of people, his interest include golfing, music, Internet Marketing, and Real Estate Invesment. Felton L. Thompkins, The Newbies Advocate. http://www.Simplyeshop.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Evaluate Franchise Support

I've narrowed my search down to three franchises. All of them promise great support. How can I get a better idea of what I'll really get from each of them?

That's a great question. One of the main benefits of being in a franchise system is that you don't have to figure everything out on your own. With a little research, you'll find a wealth of information about levels of support. That information will help you pick the franchise system that's right for you.

Before you get started, take a few minutes to think about the word "support" and what that looks and feels like to you. Does it mean someone holding your hand through the pre-opening phase, or does it mean someone handing you a manual and checklist and letting you go? Does it mean an "in-market" field support person living in your market, or are you willing to accept less frequent visits from field staff who fly in from a home office? The better you understand what's important to you, the more likely you are to get it.

Next, check the UFOC for lawsuits, closures, and transfers of existing units. While not a direct indicator of level and quality of support, they can at least serve as an early warning system. If a company has high levels of lawsuits or closures, it's a good indicator that you'll want to look at everything a bit more closely - including support.

Then, review the list below to determine which items are most important to you. Once you've reviewed the list, start talking with the prospective franchisors and their existing franchisees. The more people you can talk to, the better. Finally, look for it in writing. Does the franchisor have manuals for training you? For training your employees? How often are they updated? Do people use them? If not, why not?

Finally, remember that no franchise system is going to have everything. A young franchisor will generally have fewer of these, and that's why it costs less to get into their system. A more mature franchisor will generally have more of these, and that's why it costs more to get into their system. Here's the list:

Protection of Intellectual Property

  • Trademarks and copyrights

  • Willingness and ability to protect intellectual property from infringement

Real Estate

  • Verification of suitability of potential locations

  • Preparation of construction documents

  • Preparation of signage construction documents

  • Relationships with contractors

  • Lease negotiation

  • Construction oversight

  • Discounted pricing on materials

  • Checklists to help keep you on track

Purchasing and Distribution

  • Vendor screening

  • Vendor negotiations

  • Vendor management

  • Getting the product to you

  • Getting it to you at a cheaper price than you could on your own


  • Clear, intelligent marketing and advertising plan

  • Branded marketing and advertising materials

  • Ability to produce custom materials for you if needed - how much does it cost, and how long does it take

  • Development of a marketing plan for your business

  • Guidance to help you maximize your return on invesment on marketing dollars

  • Grand opening support

  • Regularly-scheduled marketing coaching

  • Discounted pricing for media and printing

  • Advertising cooperatives

Operating Systems

  • Outlines the standard procedures for running your business. Usually in manual form.

Training Systems

  • Initial training at the franchisor's training location - how long? How good will you be when you're done?

  • Ongoing pre-opening training - does the franchisor have pre-approved training locations, either franchisee or company-owned, where you can continue practicing what you learned at your initial training?

  • Grand Opening Training - does someone come out to help you make the final push to getting your business open? How long do they stay? How long have they been with the company and what is their level of experience?

Business Operations

  • Visits from field staff.

  • How often do you see someone?

  • What happens when they come?

  • Back office support staff

  • Maximizing profitability

  • Budgeting and forecasting

  • Local, Regional, National, and/or International workshops and conferences

Enforcement of Standards

  • How clearly do they communicate standards? Are they written down? Talked about regularly?

  • Is there a clear, objective system for measuring compliance to standards?

  • How often are standards checked to verify compliance?

  • Once a franchisee or vendor is found to be in non-compliance, what action does the franchisor take, and how quickly do they take it?

  • Do they leave room for innovation within acceptable guidelines?

Above all, remember this: This is your business, not the franchisors. Support to them might be giving you all of the advice and resources you need to be successful. Support to you might be much more hands-on. Every franchisor has franchise partners who will not be satisfied unless the franchisor does things for them.You have to find a balance between advice and tools, and getting the job done.

To view additional articles on franchise opportunities and compare profiles of more than 1,800 franchises for sale, please visit http://www.FranchiseGenius.com

This publication is copyright 2008 by Franchise Genius LLC. This copyrightnotice and any embedded links within this publication must remain as part of this document.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Retirement Invesment Tips Before And After You Retire

Retirement shouldn't be considered the end of a person's life. There are plenty of things someone can do after retirement. Things like taking a course in something of interest, being active in your community or maybe learning a new skill. Staying active helps sharpen your mental development and gives a sense of importance.

Most people find out that money is very much a necessity after retirement as it is used for paying bills and other expenses instead of using it for the things you planed for after retirement. You shouldn't be waiting around for retirement benefits to kick in, instead here are some tips you can use to keep it growing.

1. Don't wait until retirement to start saving. You could start saving at an early age by creating a detailed plan. Some insurance companies and financial institutions have good rates which, in the long run, might possibly even double the money that you have invested, if its in for a couple of years.

2. Bonds is another form of investment you could use. Bonds mature over a period of time and usually have a good growth percentage.

3. Since business tend to grow in profit earnings on a quarterly basis and sometimes acquisitions and other type of deals increase the values of shares in a company, stocks are also a good option to look into.

4. A lot of folks purchase real estate as a form of investment. Unlike automobiles that depreciate in value the moment it is driven off the lot, the price of properties tend to go up ( most of the time ). There are other options you could do with a property such as holding it for a few years and selling it for a higher profit, you could also flip the property.

5. You could always start your own business if you are up for the challenge. It could be into a working related field, something you have a certain level of experience in.

6. You could get a IRA ( investment retirement account ). There are several types available that come with earning promises and are also good tax advantages.

There are many ways to invest a little in the begining to get a good sound return later. The idea is to look into the many options available either through your own research or the help of a financial advisor, you can start taking charge of your financial future. It's really up to you to decide.

For More on Retirement Investment Tips for you and your family. Visit The Financial & Insurance Tips Journal We can help guide you towards your financial needs.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Foreclosures vs Regular Properties - Which is Better?

I'm a big fan of investing in foreclosure properties. But I've bought and sold regular properties too. Both can be great investments. However, due to some key differences between these two kinds of property investment, one may suit you more. Let's take a look at some of these differences...

1. Discount vs Hassle

The whole attraction of foreclosures lies in the ability to get them for a significant discount on their market value. You can sometimes get up to 50% off the value of a home. On the flip side, foreclosure properties often come with a lot of hassles too. They need work... they may come with liens and unpaid taxes... and there are certain legal procedures to deal with in order to buy them.

2. Need To Sell vs Want To Sell

Owners of homes that are subject to foreclosure proceedings need to sell their property. If they have just received a notice of default from their lender they will have a certain time frame in which to sell the property before it goes into formal foreclosure. This gives you, as a property investor, bargaining power. Unfortunately, such home owners also tend to be emotional, reluctant sellers who can be difficult to deal with. They may not even do what's in their own best interests! Vendors of regular properties, on the other hand, want to sell their homes. That often makes them easier to deal with, as the only issue will really be the terms of the sale... not whether or not to sell.

3. State of property

Many foreclosed homes have been left in a less than ideal condition and need substantial repairs and renovations. More so than with most regular properties, foreclosures are often best monetized as "fixer uppers". Having said that, just because a home owner has defaulted on their mortgage doesn't meant their property is in disrepair. Nor does it follow that someone who is voluntarily selling their home has looked after their property. It's ultimately up to you which kind of property to invest in, and whether or not you want to invest in a fixer-upper.

There are also other differences between foreclosure investments and other kinds of properties. However, these are definitely major considerations when deciding which kind of property investment to specialize in. Keep in mind, though, that there's no reason why you can't tackle both. In particular, the market moves in cycles. At certain times there will be better opportunities in foreclosures than regular properties, and at other times the reverse will be true. So by being to both, you will give yourself more investment opportunities.

About The Author

Bernard Woodson
W & W Capital, LLC
Real Estate Professionals

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Number One Biggest Mistake is Not Having a Clear Property Investment Strategy

Whenever I get asked by anyone how to invest in property, I respond with a series of questions:

• What are your financial aims? In other words what are you after? Are you seeking an income, capital or both?

There is a big difference between wanting to retire in 2 years so you can live off your investment income and wanting to help your children with tuition expenses in 12 years.

• Will you need to borrow money and how much risk are you willing to take?

• Will you consider investing overseas, and if so, where will you invest - Europe, the Far East or the Middle East.

• What level of risk are you willing to take?

• What happens if you need your money back quickly?

Remember, liquidity is a major problem in property investment. If you invest in the stocks and share market, you can pick up the phone and sell in minutes. That's liquity. Just try doing that with property and you'll see that it's a completely different story.

• What about your tax liability and what would happen if it all went wrong?

• Do you want to invest in commercial or residential? Do you even know the difference?

These are the type of questions you should be asking yourself before you dive in and invest in property. It's very helpful to write down your reasons for wanting to invest in property. You can always revise your list if you change your mind about your investment motives. But I guarantee you won't be sorry for spending a little time up front making the list. On the other hand, if you're unable to come up with any motivating factors for investing, you're also setting yourself up for failure.

This may seem like a lot of work, but it's a crucial part of the process if you want to succeed. Remember: buying property BEGINS with a well thought out plan for your exit strategy!

You should also be aware of the intense marketing hype of many online estate agent sites; they often prey on gullible, uninformed individuals. Be careful not to fall for the hype regarding the off plan deals marketed in nearly every country. Media such as glossy overseas magazines that advertise second homes for sale as investments are often very misleading.

Another word of caution - don't be fooled or conned by the promises of "get rich quick" property schemes. Property is a long-term investment. It's easy to lose sight of this as you hear any number of different, new and possibly more exciting property investment strategies that appear to be making money NOW. Years ago you could purchase reasonably-priced property, rent it out and make good money in a relatively short period of time. However, times have changed and this is no longer the case.

Not all real estate agents will be upfront about this fact. Like many others, you may mistakenly assume that your real estate agent is determined to help you obtain the best possible return for your money. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. The main goal of real estate agents is to sell property - period. Do you think it is in their best interest to convince you to make long-term property investments? Definitely not!

Media resources can also hamper your property investment opportunities by writing bad or good reports about property investments that simply aren't true. Property-related journalists are being paid to write, not to conduct research about the real estate market or lucrative investment opportunities.

Advertising is big business and journalists may be paid to write a scathing or glowing report about various overseas or local investments that is completely false. Hence, it's best to ignore the majority of what you read in the magazines and conduct some solid market research on your own. After all, it's your money so you want to invest it wisely!

Fortunately, there are some reliable resources available to help you learn about current trends in the property market. Start by consulting one of the following websites before you invest in any of your hard-earned cash:

Collierscre - One of the leading worldwide real estate consultancies

Knight Frank - Residential and commerical property professionals

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - Leading source of information relating to construction, the environment, property and land

Estates Gazette - Magazine offering detailed information about commercial property trends

Also be sure to talk to local real estate agents as well as some reliable rental management companies. They can discuss some of the more successful local invesment property strategies. Don't forget about members of your local business community and shop owners in your community. They can prove to be invaluable sources of information when it comes to local property invesmtent.

If you establish clear investment targets, you can focus only on the relevant types of property. I don't recommend choosing more than two property types if you're an inexperienced property investor. Given the vast amount of possible investment properties, this small step can save you a lot of wasted hours.

You should also limit the cities you're considering to one or two. You can then determine the best and worst investment areas of a specific city by analyzing various factors such as crime and employment statistics.

The bottom line is don't rely on only the latest investment fads to determine where to invest your money. This can prove to be a very costly mistake, especially if you are new to property investment. Spend some time determining your motivating factors for investing, ask yourself several important questions and narrow your target area to one or two cities. These steps will greatly improve your chance of success. With a little planning and advice, you can develop a clear investment strategy and avoid the most common property investment mistake.

Surrinder Ahitan offers free property investment advice and tips on how to invest in residential and commercial property for maximum returns. Visit http://www.best-investment-property-tips.com where he reveals more valuable insider tips and property secrets.

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Megadroid and Its Features

Developed by veteran Forex traders John Grace and Albert Perrie, Forex Megadroid is a top notch automated Forex trading system. Their experience in the Forex trading is of almost forty years and this wealth of experience has gone into the making of the Forex Megadroid. Hence, whenever you use this software, you can consider your experience to be equivalent to your own experience plus the forty years of John Grace and Albert Perrie's experience. The developers have developed this software with state of the art RCTPA technology that gives huge returns on your investments.

An automated Forex trading system is best suited for those with a day job or other such engagements that keep them from trading. Using Forex Megadroid, they can go about their business as usual while Forex Megadroid makes money for them with a minimal intervention on the part of the user. Also, since it is an automated system, you don't have to study the technicalities of trading; the software knows what to do. This saves you from long hours of studying reference material, the relevance of which would not be a certainty.

For training purposes, the Forex Megadroid comes equipped with Meta Trader trading platform. This enables you in practicing in a virtual environment created by the software before jumping into the real world. Also a neat and descriptive user manual is supplied with the software which makes using the software a real easy task for any person. The algorithms of the software are 'intelligent' and have a built in capability of making precise future predictions which are accurate. This minimises the inherent risk of trading and increases the proportion of the profits. The user friendly interface is another thing that sets it apart from its competition.

So it is quite safe to say that Megadroid is one of the best automated Forex trading systems out there due to its accuracy, risk management and user friendliness. No other software provides all these three attributes in a single package. In fact, the accuracy that Forex Megadroid offers is around 96% with many users reporting an accuracy of 98%. So, whether you are a newbie in the Forex trading or a veteran, the Forex Megadroid is the perfect solution to all you Forex trading needs.

Sean Davy is an expert in forex trading and investment market. He built a site so every user can review the best investment coaching programs. Learn more about invesment and forex trading reviews at: RoyalInvestmentReviews.com

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Tale of Two Ski Areas

A couple of weeks ago I took the family - my wife and my dog -on a road trip into a beautiful Colorado valley. It was lined by 13,000 foot peaks, climbing way above timberline. Quite a sight. The bald mountain peaks as far as the eye could see, a green, lush valley that we were traveling in, and over on the right hand side, as we drove, the best surprise of all. A ski area! But this wasn't just any ski area. This was a ski area that my wife and I - both avid skiers - had never heard of before. And this surprised us, because we thought we knew where all the ski areas in Colorado were.

We started to rack our brains. "Have you ever heard of a ski area around here?" "It looks pretty new. It's not overgrown with trees. Why haven't we heard of this place before?" As we hung out in the valley, and got to know the area a little bit, we started to learn a few things. First, it was definitely an area that got a lot of snow each year. So that wasn't the reason we'd never heard of this place. Second, the ski area was sitting on national forest land. Just like most other ski areas. So that wasn't why we had never heard of this place. No, there had to be another reason. We searched further, and looked on the map. We started to find some clues. First of all, there was an abandoned airport in this valley. Aah - maybe that has something to do with it. Nobody is flying into this area. Next, there wasn't a major highway, or town, anywhere near by. There's another big clue. Finally, this area existed a part of Colorado that didn't have very much population. Now we got it. Have you ever heard of a place called "Ski Conquistador"?

When it was open, it barely lasted for 10 years. Avid skiers have never heard of it. But it looks to be a fine mountain. So what is the problem? I can even think of another ski area that fits the same description. It sits in a beautiful Colorado valley, on national forest land. It gets a lot of snow, and is nestled among 13,000 foot peaks. You may have heard of it. It's name? Aspen. So what made the difference between these two places? One is known worldwide as a skiers mecca, and the other is lost amongst the overgrown trees. There is one BIG difference: Aspen has traffic coming to it, over and over again, and Conquistador has NONE.

Let me ask you something. Is your website more like Aspen, or more like Ski Conquistador? If you don't have a traffic driving strategy in place to get them to your site, and a follow up strategy to keep them coming back, I'm willing to bet - you're more like Ski Conquistador. Ouch. I sincerely want you to succeed, and become the Aspen of the web. No reason to put that great website invesment to waste, where nobody is seeing it. Reach for the top.

-Jason "Wally" Waldron

P.S. - Success comes to those who blast through the door of opportunity. Here is your chance: http://www.wallythewebguy.com/services/traffic-driving-strategy.html


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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Megadroid Proves to Be the Best

What is the best automated Forex trading system? If the answer is to be a single word, it'll be Megadroid. The Forex Megadroid is a automated Forex trading system which is near perfect. The accuracy figure of about 96% is just staggering and coupled with the user friendliness and usability of the software it has to be the first choice for those looking to do profitable Forex trading. Whether you are a new entrant or a veteran looking for automation, this software will easily be the best thing you did in your Forex trading.

If you have a day job and hence barely any time for trading, automated trading software is what you need. By choosing Forex Megadroid, wou can go to work with the assurance that the Forex Megadroid is earning profits for you with a negligible intervention by you. Besides, you don't have to spend hours studying guide books getting to know the workings of the trading system. The creators of the software have already done the research for you and created this remarkable software so that you can earn the profits.

The Forex Megadroid comes with a Meta Trader trading platform letting you practise the trade virtually without losing money in the market by committing a newbie mistake. It is very easy to setup and run and does not require any prior technical knowledge. It includes a handy and descriptive user manual so as to make your experience of using it, one without glitches. Its intelligent algorithms have the capability to predict the future of the market which makes is as ingenious as accurate. It tops the charts in the profits, risk management and user friendliness departments.

Forex Megadroid has been developed by veteran traders John Grace and Albert Perrie. They have been trading in the Forex market for almost four decades. The software enjoys the benefit of wealth of their experience. Using the software is like having a four decades worth experience right from the beginning! So, going wrong in the trading is almost an impossibility. In fact, it doesn't just earn profits for you, but earns them in large proportions.

Sean Davy is an expert in forex trading and investment market. He built a site so every user can review the best investment coaching programs. Learn more about invesment and forex trading reviews at: RoyalInvestmentReviews.com.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Trading - The Best You Can Get

Looking to start Forex trading with minimum investment and maximum returns? Here is what you need: A paltry sum in excess of $250 that can be less than $500, a Forex account, and Forex Ambush 2.0. With these three minimal requirements you can start trading and be assured of maximum returns. What is Forex Ambush 2.0? It is an automated Forex trading and signaling system. It sends you signals as to what you should do - buy or sell, to make healthy profits. With the a fore mentioned sum, Forex Ambush 2.0 will send you the first signal. The subsequent signals will be sent with the profit made from the very first.

The necessity for it is that even though there is a lot of reference material available in the market, none of it can actually gather so much current information and give you real time results. The philosophy here is simple, you buy the software and it does all the work for you; right from research to trading. No e-book or articles can do that. Even going for coaching or guidance is not match enough to this software. But what about other automated trading systems?
The answer is simple; Forex Ambush 2.0 is far ahead from the any other software in terms of technology.

Any other software does trading based on statistics and trends. This system does work and even provides accuracy of ninety to ninety five percent, but Forex Ambush 2.0 uses state of the art Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms that provide and unmatched 100% accuracy. Artificial Intelligence is computer software emulating a human brain. The Forex Ambush 2.0 emulates not one but an intelligence equivalent to a thousand trade analysts. This means you have effectively a team of a thousand trade analysts overseeing your trade in real time.

One thing any analyst will tell you is that when it comes to Forex trading, current information is the power. This is the information based on which the trader decides of buying or selling to maximise profits. Forex Ambush 2.0 gathers all the information required for this purpose and even tells you by sending signals what you should do. What's more, it is the only service that provides a 100% winning trades when using in the automatic mode.

Sean Davy is an expert in forex trading and investment market. He built a site so every user can review the best investment coaching programs. Learn more about invesment and forex trading reviews at: RoyalInvestmentReviews.com

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